Phase 3: The home stretch!

Feeling like we're in the home stretch now! The lists are much more complete and contained, although still dauntingly long. We've actually made a timeline/schedule of our best guesses at how long things will take and when we might be able to launch. of course, we made the schedule in early January, and, only a month later we've already had to revise it by 3 weeks since things are, as usual, taking longer than expected. You'd think we'd know better by now how to estimate time for projects, huh? Anyway, at the risk of jinxing it further, we're hoping for a late May/early June launch.

Although it was certainly predictable, given the way boat work goes, we're disappointed not to be able to move aboard sooner. There have been some unforeseen crises in our family and our daily living situation is anything but ideal. We're quite anxious to move aboard and start settling into our new life. To that end we are working harder than ever and really scrambling to pull things together as soon as possible. If anyone is dying to help out, we'll be having plenty of projects upcoming -skilled and unskilled alike- that we'd be happy for help on!

Projects are coming together quickly, now. Things that have been ongoing for months or years are getting tied up and crossed off the lists. Our dodger was delivered and installed. It felt like the boat was getting a new prom dress: so fancy and dressy (and expensive!!!). The new cockpit coaming lockers and shower box are finally installed. The DC installation is 99.9% complete. Plumbing is 99% complete (just waiting for the heads to be rebuilt and re-installed so we can plumb them in. We're hoping my Dad can help us out with that projects, since Neil rebuilt the heads for HIS boat during his big refit several years ago!) Our batteries should arrive next week. Neil is installing the new refrigerator, which was the last big engineering project hanging over our heads. I'm about to order the foam and fabric for the interior cushions.

We've taken a bunch a photos but I can't find the cable to download them to the laptop.... we'll post them as soon as I find it! I did just update our "LIST" today....