Argh!!! Back to the sanding...

deck 005.jpg

Well, we THOUGHT we were ready for finish coat! Everything looked and felt fair. Primer looked good. But when the first coat of Awlgrip went on the coaming sides: UGH! The areas we'd repaired there (on a large, smooth, unbroken expanse) showed that they were in fact not fair at all. The glossy paint showed it like a topographical map with peaks and valleys. Poor Neil!!!!!

So, back to the fairing and sanding. This time, with a dusting of spray paint to show the valleys, and with a long sanding board. Neil's vacation is over, so it's back to after-work working, and this is adding a whole another week to the project. BUT it'll be done right. Another coat of fairing compound tonight, then maybe we'll be ready to reprime those areas tomorrow and paint this weekend. On the plus side, the deck areas look great with their first coat of Awlgrip. It's going to look fabulous when finished.