Naming a Boat

Naming a boat is tough. Last time, we got it wrong... early on we chose a name we liked and kept it for a year of renovation work, but it never really stuck.  I think it's because we chose a name before we got to know the boat. This time, we're going to wait until the boat speaks to us a little bit more.

This boat does already have a personlity, though. She is classy, dignified and elegant but a little bit sassy too (I think it's the rig!) And she's definitely a she.

Bird names feel right, as do mythological names. And she's a Sea Sprite, so we've been looking at naiad/oceanid/mermaid type names as well. We have a short list on board, and we'll see what she says to us over the next several months as we spend more time with her. We'd like to get it right the first time, this time!

nameStacey Collins