House Sitting - March 23, 2004

We are living at the Robertson's now because we are house sitting. I like to live here because I am not late for school and on the island I sometimes was. They have a cat and a dog. Here are pictures of them.

The cat is Brinca and the dog is Jubilee (Jubs). We haven't been to the boat much so there's not much to write about that! We haven't been to the boat a lot because we've had bad weather and the boat is outside. When we went to the Boat Show it was very boring. All I did was sit around. But when we went to the (CCA) cocktail party, I met Olin Stephens and even got his autograph in my diary!!!! Olin Stephens is a famous boat designer, in case you don't know. Here is Mom and Dad at the cocktail party.


Here is some "late island life news"...... I forgot to tell you that we've gotten into the habit of feeding the ducks. They are very tame now. In the spring, we think that they will bring their ducklings with them. It already is spring!!! Not much longer to go now!!! One time I saw an extra male besides Tim (the male Mallard of the whole flock). The rest are females.